Dayz update
Dayz update

dayz update

  • Adjusted colors of all raincoat-based armbands.
  • Adjusted the modern compass to be more readable in sunlight.
  • Added a UI prompt to exit the game credits.
  • Animations of character symptoms do not conflict with other animations any more.
  • Adjusted positions of rifles in the shoulder slots to reduce clipping with the character.
  • Keybinding menu now has inputs split into several categories to make it easier to navigate.
  • Halved the damage to cooking gear while cooking.
  • The sharpened wooden stick can now cause bleeding on targets.
  • Decreased the inventory size of binoculars from 3x3 to 2x2.
  • dayz update

    Reduced the weight of the Handheld and Field Transceivers.


    It's now possible to skin dead chickens, rabbits, carps and mackerels with the screwdriver.Rotten meat now gets burned when smoked.Farming peppers and potatoes would display the wrong item name.Food did not lose quantity when being roasted on a stick.Food lost quantity when baked with lard.Brooms would recover health after stopping burning.Plants missed their name widget during growing stages.Fixed an animation glitch related to going prone.The vicinity tab could disappear after scrolling through a long list of items.Multiple flash-bangs in a row would eventually stop impacting the character.Cooking slots in the oven took different amounts of time to cook.Jumping with two-handed rifles could result in stretched arms.Fixed some issues that would result in skipping animations.Reloading while freezing could result in animations glitching.Items would float when taking them into hands with a wounded character.It was possible to unpin grenades silently.Stick was held badly when roasting meat over fires.Bus wreck model was levitating slightly.Skater infected gave a metal sound when hit against the head.Fixed an issue that prevented military infected from spawning with EGD-5 grenades.The animation of drawing a pistol from the holster would twitch unnaturally.Improved textures of the spear variants.The Bizon was spawning with the 1PN51 night-vision scope.Adjusted rag cover clothes to reduce clipping with other clothing items.It was easily possible to get stuck in the stairs of the castle tower.Fixed several instances of headgear clipping with character heads.Inventory icon of the Long Torch was cropped.The tutorial screen was falsely showing console controls in the tab selection.Ticking sound of the alarm clock could be desynchronized when interrupted while setting the alarm.It was possible to craft the improvised spear while the stick had food attached.Brooms did not change their materials properly when burning.Transitioning between erect and prone stance while charging a throw was skipping animations in certain cases.

    dayz update

    Accepting the BattlEye agreement made the game unresponsive to mouse under certain conditions.


  • The BattlEye license was not being displayed when the Steam overlay was disabled.
  • It was possible to boil food in gasoline ().
  • The fireplace was missing some particles when burning.
  • Trying to ignite a wet fireplace would activate burning sounds.
  • After cooking, the sound of roasting meat would persist on the equipment used.
  • Land mines ruined by shooting did not explode.
  • The land mine disappeared upon disarming.
  • The dry fire of the CR-550 did not have sounds in prone stance.
  • The CR-550 magazine was not properly reflecting damage states.
  • The wrong text was shown when dragging a body out of vehicles.
  • Melee damage was dealt in the direction the camera was facing.
  • Stones were not properly displayed when left as the last attachment of a fireplace.
  • When entering the pause menu after disabling the HUD, the HUD could not be re-enabled.
  • The stamina indicator was not displayed in the inventory with disabled HUD.
  • Widget of dead players/animals was not displayed after leaving a vehicle.
  • The slot for cooking equipment was displayed when the tripod was not attached.
  • When driving the Gunter and Olga without a radiator, the spark plug got ruined too early.
  • Adjusted some exploitable building collisions.
  • Doors of several structures could not be opened by force.
  • Gesture keybindings are now reflected in the radial menu.
  • dayz update

    Keybindings for gestures can be adjusted in the in-game settings.Craftable improvised explosive device (IED).Abandoned trains dynamically spawning across Chernarus and Livonia.The zombies and players might be deadly enough, but the environment can be just as unforgiving, and now the game has armed players with explosives just to really up the punishment. Players can succumb to things like broken legs, starvation, but also food poisoning or dysentery from dirty water. As well as being one of the longest survival games out there, DayZ is also one of the hardest. And it's already pretty dangerous as it is.

    Dayz update